How to Connect With Your Community

tree lined street

Do you want to get to know your neighbors better or become more involved with your community?  Find out how to connect with your area!  We will focus on the Austin neighborhoods that we primarily serve: Cherrywood, Mueller, Travis Heights, Clarksville and Hyde Park.  Knocking on your neighbor’s door or attending a seasonal event are great ways to become more connected, but we can help by pointing you in the direction of a few online resources.  Community websites, calendars, neighborhood associations and online groups are great sites to bookmark, so you can periodically check in and find out about the latest events and community happenings.

Neighborhood Websites

This is the calendar for the Cherrywood Neighborhood Association, so you can see stay on top of everything happening on the East Side.

Mueller has a comprehensive website and an active Facebook page so you can stay up to date on what’s new in this neighborhood.

This website mainly focuses on the history of Clarksville and is run by the Clarksville Community Development Corporation, but you can still find news, events and when CDCC meeting occur.

The Old West Austin Neighborhood Association has a website with information about historic neighborhood landmarks, committees and community events like meetings and fundraisers.

The Hyde Park Neighborhood Association has a snazzy website where you can learn about festivals, meetings and even read issues of the Pecan Press.

Other Online Resources is a great alternative to something like Facebook where individuals can enter their address and immediately connect with their neighbors. On Next Door you can sell your kids outgrown clothes, ask for help finding a lost pet, solicit recommendations for a plumber or repairmen and stay up to date on crime and safety in your area.

Facebook Groups

Facebook allows people to create either open or closed groups.  Many neighborhoods already have established groups that you can join or ask to join.  Some groups may require that you verify that you live in the area.  In these groups people can post about community events, rally support for local elections, post about found pets or just connect with neighbors.

Travis Heights East: 

Mueller Neighbors:

Hyde Park Neighborhood Austin, TX:

Are there any other great online community resources we have missed?

Please share them with us here: