“ They are so friendly and so thorough! ”

 - Sarah Stayer

“ Efficient work, thorough job. The house looked and smelled amazing! ”

- Jillian Bissar

“ Gavin and his team did an amazing job! My countertops sparkled after they were done. ”

- Kristy Kim

“ Always professional, responsive, and high quality work! ”

- Julie Wimmer

“ The staff was on time, great communication & professional. Very pleased! If needed will absolutely call you 🙂 ”

- Lilia Valdez

“ Some parts great, some parts missed-need to be VERY specific w/expectations ”

- Ann Lipscomb

“ A bit pricey, but worth it! They do a great job and make the house smell so nice. ”

- Adrienne Pedrotti Bingamon

“ Great service! There’s nothing like coming home to a spotless house and beautiful aroma therapy smells (which is what they use in their cleaners). ”

- Valerie Hope

“ Weekly commercial service for 3.5yrs with Purple Fig and we've been very pleased! ”

- A. Wilkinson

“ They did a great job and were very professional! ”

- Nick